
Literary + Academic

Fischer TOR
Piper Verlag
Roberts & Maclay: Tom Wagner series
Even Terms Press, Jörg Kähler
Niels Bernhardt
Julia Wirxel and Doris Schumacher-Chilla, Universität zu Köln, Athena Verlag

Film + TV
Miramax Films
action concept / action image
UFA Serial Drama
Grundy UFA
Zeitsprung Entertainment
Fox Television Studios
Arenico Productions
Barefoot Productions
Peter Clausen Film & TV
Hergert Associates
Commercial + Technical
Schukat electronic
Translation Engineering
CeBIT, Rohde & Schwarz
Advertising + Creative
Tobias Meinecke / e’topia
Avison Communication
buergerclever: Agentur für couragierte Kommunikation
HH Vision
Kugelfisch Kommunikation
Janster Music & Production
Kunsthaus Lempertz
Living Doll Factory

  • Die Zusammenarbeit war für mich immer ein großes Vergnügen. Dazu habe ich bei Ihnen einiges gelernt und Sie haben oft Licht ins (sprachliche) Dunkel gebracht ;-))
    Sylvia Heckrath / Schukat Electronic
  • (...)  you did an amazing job! It was a pleasure working with your translation and seeing how much thought you put into it!
    Jennifer Holleis, Editor
  • While I'm writing volume 3 and 4 of "The Photographer" wonderful Edwin Miles has been also working hard on the translation of "The Photographer - volume 1". Again he's done a great job! I cannot thank you enough that I can work together with such a professional translator (...)
    Petra Durst-Benning, Author
  • Thank you so much for your thoughtful and thorough review of the edits. (...) I loved all the research you did on bicycles and the language of the period and think that together, we got the book to a really good place.
    Christina Henry de Tessan, Girl Friday Productions
  • Thanks, Ed. Nice to work with you. You did a great job on the translation! Regards, Janie
    Janie Allen
  • Gabi told me that you’d found a plot hole in the first book that had gone unnoticed in all the prior translations *and* the original. Impressive!
    Joel Bahr, Editor 'The Elven 2'
  • Once again, you've done a wonderful job with your text - as attested to by all who have read it so far.
    Jochen Breitenstein, Film Producer
  • Dear Ed, your translation is soooooo beautiful! It has a very natural feel, as if the text is an original American text. You could not have made it any better!
    Petra Durst-Benning, Author
  • ​Great! So, first off, I just want to say this is honestly the best translation I've ever seen from Amazon.
    Kristin Mehus-Roe, Girl Friday Productions
  • Thanks for your - as always - good work.
    Judith Mila Durante
  • .... thank you once again for checking the text and for your speedy delivery! As always, this is very much appreciated!
    Christine Knebel, Head of Global HR Communications, Bayer AG
  • I just want to say that I have just finished the three translated works of The Elven. It was an incredible series and your translations were just perfect.
    Jason Woodier, Reader